База знаний. Статьи на букву «P». Страница 5

Post-Modern Portfolio Theory

The core innovation of post-modern portfolio theory. Total variability of return. Downside risk optimization. Downside f...
английский язык

Post-structuralism in France

Post-structuralist movement in France; peculiarities of it: emergence, meaning, comparison with structuralism. Major wor...
английский язык

PowerClip в программе СorelDraw

PowerClip - важный инструмент программы СorelDraw, который по своим функциям является аналогом маски в философии графиче...
русский язык

Power in Ukraine

The Structure of Ukrainian Government. Rights and Duties of the Ukrainian Citizens. The Constitution of Ukraine. The sta...
английский язык

Power Point Web App - веб-приложение для создания презентаций онлайн

Анализ особенностей подготовки презентаций в онлайн-сервисе SkyDrive. Создание нового документа, выбор шаблона презентац...
русский язык

Practical usage of british and american english in newspapers and maga...

Grammatical, phonetic, lexical differences in using British and American English. Practical comparison of the lexical us...
английский язык

Practice of consideration of cases on protection of rights and freedom...

Adoption of resolution about institution of the new Council on human rights. The role of the constitutional courts of th...
английский язык

Pragmatics: rules of conversation

Theoretical Aspects of Conversational Principles: рhilosophical background, сooperative principle by H.P. Grice, сonvers...
английский язык

PR and Journalism

Media are the main channel for management of public opinion. Characteristics of the relation between the PR industry and...
английский язык

Pravomonarhist movement

A conservative-protective or right-monarchist as one of the most influential trends in Russia's socio-political movement...
английский язык

Predicting completion of cash acquisitions using option implied risk-n...

Estimate risk-neutral probabilities and the rational for its application. Empirical results of predictive power assessme...
английский язык

Preparation of Cu-based oxygen carriers for Chemical-looping combustio...

Oxygen carriers in CLC process. State of art. General oxygen carriers characteristics. Dry impregnation method. Fluidize...
английский язык

Presentation Beam and beam constructions

Stress in beams. Thin walled beams. Mechanical beam quality depends on several of its characteristics. The size and shap...
английский язык

Presentation on Royal Wedding UK

Wedding The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester November 6, 1935. Wedding Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh November 20, 19...
английский язык

Presentation to Creditors

Financial position of the "BTA Bank", prospects, business strategy, management plans and objectives. Forward-looking sta...
английский язык

Presidential еlections in the USA

Presidential candidates. Learning the information of the Electoral College, to understanding the process by which the Pr...
английский язык

Presidents of Kazakhstan, USA and United Kingdom of Great Britain and ...

N. Nazarbayev is the head of state, Commander-in-chief and holder of the highest office within of Kazakhstan. B. Obama I...
английский язык

Pretrial investigation

The concept and form preliminary investigation. Inquest: general provisions, the order of proceedings, dates. Preliminar...
русский язык