История и исторические личности. Страница 6

The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution was a period in history when mankind found innovative and efficient ways of producing goods, m...
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The Industrial Revolution

The Effects Of The Industrial Revolution. Change in Urban Society. The Industrial Revolution presented mankind with a mi...
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The Japan in period of ruling Tokugawa Dynasty

The process of establishing the authority Tokugawa. The establishment of Tokugawa authority. The history of Japan during...
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The life and work of the self-employed socialist intellectual, Humphre...

Humphrey McQueen's life. The mid-1960s: the moment of the radical student movement led by Maoists and Trotskyists. ASIO ...
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The memory of the veterans

The attitude to veterans. Education of moral and Patriotic feelings in children of preschool age. Let's keep the memory,...
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Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt as the Twenty-Sixth President of the United States and passionate hunter, especially of big game. The...
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The Plantagenet Dynasty in the History of Great Britain

History of Royal dynasties. The early Plantagenets (Angeving kings): Henry II, Richard I Coeur de Lion, John Lackland. T...
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The post-war period and the Cold War

The dynamics of the Cold War. The War and post-war period. The Eastern Bloc, Berlin Blockade and airlift. NATO beginning...
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The Radicalism of the American Revolution

Gordon Wood is Professor of History at Brown University. He is one of the leading scholars researching issues of the Ame...
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The republic referendum in Australia

Sydney's voting pattern. A referendum day vignette, games at Newtown. Conclusions about the current shape of Australia, ...
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The Statue of Liberty. History and facts

The national monument Statue of Liberty. History of the Statue of Liberty. Symbol of freedom of the American people, of ...
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Thomas Alva Edison

Biography of the world famous American inventor and businessman Thomas Alva Edison: the origin, childhood, first job. In...
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USA - Soviet Union Relations before and during the Cold War

The history of Russian-American relations and treaties. Rise of the British Colonies against the economic oppression of ...
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U.S. - Soviet relations

The Historical Background of Cold War. The Historical Context. Causes and Interpretations. The Cold War Chronology. The ...
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Varieties of capitalism in the globalizing world

What is capitalism, the main points of this system. A brief historical background to the emergence of capitalism. Types ...
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Victorian London

The Victorian London was a city of contrasts. New building, affluent development and horribly overcrowded slums where pe...
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VIII – IX века в истории славянства. Культура, религия и быт

У западных славян к числу текстов, продолжающих архаичные карнавальные традиции, относились мистериальные фарсы с мифоло...
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Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Biоgrаfiiа of Vlаdimir Ilyich Lеnin. Thе Nаrоdniks "аdаpt" Mаrxism. Thе hеrоism оf thе Nаrоdniks. Turning tо thе wоrking...
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