Describe and Analyze World History from 1500 to the Aftermath of the F...
History is Philosophy teaching by examples. Renaissance, French Revolution and the First World War are important events ...
Dominance in the world between England and Spain
The Spanish Empire as one of the largest empires in world history and the first of global extent. Seaborne trade. Broken...
Dumping down Australian history
The clandestine tradition in Australian historiography. Russell Ward's Concise History of Australia. Abolishing the Cath...
Early history of Ireland
The main characteristic features of Ancient and Medieval history of Ireland. The main events, dates and influential peop...
Eastern countries before and during the Great Geographical Discoveries
The problem of the backwardness of the Eastern countries in the development of material production, its main causes. Thr...
Economy of Qing Empire
Description of the economic situation in the Qing empire. State control over the economy. Impact on its development Opiu...
Edward I - King of England
In 1266 Edward received international accolade for his role in the 8-th and 9-th Crusades to the Holy Land where he help...
England in 16th century
Trade and industry of the England in the 16th century. Houses, its construction. Food in England in the 16-th century. C...
England in the Middle Ages
Middle Ages encompass one of the most exciting and turbulent times in English History. Major historical events which occ...
Eugene Hlebtsevich and the establishment of free public libraries in B...
The most important centers of the Belarusian national revival. Development of public libraries in Byelorussia. Value Hle...
Famous American women
Norma Jeane Mortenson, known as Marilyn Monroe. Monroe as one of Blue Book's most successful models, appearing on dozens...
Fighting fоr wоmеn’s libеrаtiоn
Why аrе wоmеn оpprеssеd. Thе first wоmеn’s libеrаtiоn lеаflеt in Аustrаliа wаs distributеd аt а dеmоnstrаtiоn аgаinst th...
Ghandi and the myth of non-violent action
Thе idеаs оf Gandhi who mаdе а mаjоr cоntributiоn tо thе Indiаn indеpеndеncе mоvеmеnt in 1919 by turning it tо а mаss оr...
Ghost towns
History of world's most famous ghost towns, causes havoc:: Kolmanskop (Namibia), Prypiat (Ukraine), San Zhi (Taiwan), Cr...
Great Britain during and after the Napoleonic wars
The period from 1799 to 1815 is often referred to as the "Napoleonic Wars". These years and the two following decades be...
History of Great Britain
Great Britain: General Facts. The History of Great Britain. Culture of Great Britain. The British Education. The Modern ...
History of Russia
Russian history: the first Duke of Russia; the adoption of Christianity Rus; the period of fragmentation; battle on the ...
Intellectual history of the Europe
Process of accumulation of profit and abundance during the early Middle Ages. The attitude of the person to conditions o...