American Revolution and War for Independence
Frontier situation. British and French conflict. First stirrings of unity. Colonial resistance. Tax dispute. Abatement o...
American Riddles
American Culture is a massive, variegated topic. The land, people and language. Regional linguistic and cultural diversi...
American System of Education
Historical background, basic standards. A Brief Account of American Education: Differences and Similarities. American Sc...
Anapa is a resort of Russia
Investigation of the recreational potential of Anapa: sights, famous beaches and health and preventive services. Assessi...
Ancient and modern pronunciations
The importance of teaching English pronunciation. Modelling, listening and pronunciation. Correcting learners’ pronuncia...
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt as an ancient civilization of eastern North Africa. Several history periods of Egypt according to the dyna...
An English Speaking Country - New Zealand
Geography Location. Flora and Fauna. Government and Politics. Population and People. Religion. Education. Language. Holi...
An Evergreen topic in British classical literature, children’s poems a...
The Description of the UK climate and factors which influence the climate of Britain. The description of seasons and wea...
Animal and part of body idioms and their russian equivalent
English idioms and their Russian equivalents. Semantic, Stylistic Identity of Translating. The Difficulties of Translati...
Animals in the human community
Association first human with other animals. Mystical feelings toward animals and it’s reflected in folktales. Many wild ...
Apple’s analysis
The birth of Apple IPod as the first portable music player was an idea of Jobs that reshuffled the Market cards into new...
A question of taste. Fashion
Fashion is something we deal with everyday. Even people, who say they don’t care what they wear, choose clothes every mo...
Archaisms in literature
General information about archaisms. The process of words aging. Analysis of ancient texts Shakespeare, Sonnet 2. "Love ...
A reaction paper to George Orwell's essay
Analysis of some provisions of the famous essay by George Orwell, "Politics and the english language" about the bad infl...
Arguing your case (10 кл)
Совершенствование навыков диалогической и монологической речи и навыков восприятия иностранной речи на слух. Обучение пр...
A role of the USA in the world politics
It is impossible to discuss a future role of the United States of America in the world without understanding the global ...
Artistic peculiarities of short stories by E.A. Poe
National Beginning in American literature and Edgar Poe as one of its beginners. Characteristics of his short stories. E...
Art of conversation
Everybody's found themselves trapped in that familiar social horror: being faced with a complete stranger and wanting mo...