Rules of English grammar
The fundamental rules for determining the correct form of a noun, pronoun and verb "to be" in English. Plural nouns in E...
Russia is my Motherland
Moscow is the capital of Russia, is a cultural center. There are the things that symbolize Russia. Russian’s clothes. Th...
Saint-Petersbourg. Moscou, La peinture. La Galerie Tretiakov. Le musee...
Saint-Petersbourg est une ville sacree pour chaque Russe. Moscou est fondee en 1147 par le prince Youri Dolgorouki. Je v...
Saint Valentine's Day
Who was Saint Valentine? The history of Saint Valentine's Day. Valentine traditions, customs, symbols: cupid, hearts and...
School education in the USA
About basic education in the USA today. Public, private schools in the USA. Course content and teaching methods in educa...
Schooling in Great Britain
State Schools. Private Schools. The junior classroom. Division of pupils of an elementary school in three streams. The g...
Scottish Customs and Traditions
Scottish Weddings, main customs. The name "kilt". The Sporran as a traditional part of male Scottish Highland dress, mai...
Everybody knows that there are four seasons in a year and every season is good on its own way with its own charm. Consid...
The description of seasons, their characteristic signs and advantages of everyone them them. The description of holidays...
Secrets of 3D computer graphics
Familiarization with the concept of 3D graphics and principles of working with pictures in graphic editors. Guidelines f...
Sellers and buyers in Russia and in foreign countries
The generalized kind corresponding conditions legal relations sellers and buyers. The international view of the law and ...
Semantic peculiarities of the English article and ways of its translat...
Article as a part of speech. Theoretical and practical aspect. The historical development of articles. Lexico-grammatica...
Sentence Stress in English. Stress and intonation
Sentence stress is the music of spoken English. Some examples of content and structural words. Two very important supras...
Sexual violence and capitalism
The themes, analysis and solutions raised by feminists with reference to Australian work, and outline a Marxist analysis...
Shops and shopping
Развитие у учащихся языковой и речевой компетентности в процессе формирования навыков диалогической и монологической реч...