Иностранные языки и языкознание. Страница 49

United states of America: geography, history, culture

Physical Geography and climate of the USA. The civil and liberation wars in the USA. Causes of The Great depression and ...
английский язык

Universities in Britain: Cambridge and Oxford

Creation of the oldest universities in the United Kingdom of Great Britain - Oxford and Cambridge, which are two types o...
английский язык

University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridge as a public research university located in Cambridge. Murry Edwards, Newham, Lucy Cavendish....
английский язык

Uranium enrichment

Uranium as one element that has been the raw material for nuclear bombs. Gas centrifuges are the most used technology fo...
английский язык

Usages of a concordance

The definition of concordance in linguistics as a list of words used in a body of work, or dictionary, which contains a ...
английский язык

Using anecdotes in English language classroom

Defining communicative competence. The value of communicative language teaching. On the value of audio-lingual approach....
английский язык

Valenz der Verben

Vorwort. Zum Begriff der Wortbedeutung. Valenztheorie. Der Begriff der Valenz. Valenz der Verben. Bedeutung und Valenz d...
немецкий язык

Verbal Communication

Role and functions of verbal communication. Epictetus quotes. Example for sympathetic, empathetic listening. Effective v...
английский язык

Verb phrases

Phrases as the basic element of syntax, verbs within syntax and morphology. The Structure of verb phrases, their grammat...
английский язык

Verb. The categories of voice mood in English and Armenian

The concept and category values "voice" and "mood" in different languages. Features and comparative description of the u...
английский язык

Visions of the future

Формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся при помощи информационно-коммуникационных технологий и интерактивных у...
русский язык

Walt Whitman. Philosophical basics of his work

The features of Walt Whitman’s style, studying his literary techniques, such as alliteration, anaphora, "free" verse, co...
английский язык

Washing machine. The greatest invention of the mankind

Main stages of the origin and development of washing machines, assessment of the importance of this process in society. ...
английский язык

Ways of teaching foreign languages

Comparing instructed and natural settings for language learning. Natural and instructional settings. Five principles for...
английский язык

Web Site Development

Basic stages of creation and development of web site, his structure and setting, features and component parts. The short...
английский язык

Wedings and colors

The colors you choose for your wedding day set the style and tone for your event. You can influence the mood of your wed...
английский язык

Welcome to Estonia! Why not?

Pjarnu - the summer capital of Estonia, the best known Estonian spa and beach resort: population of 43.000 people. Narva...
английский язык

Werbung. Der Konjunktiv

Werbung ist aus der sicht der anbieter ein mittel. Die studieninhalte werbung im hinblick auf den verbraucherschutz beim...
немецкий язык