
100 лет ВВС РФ

Первый в мире пассажирский самолет и российский бомбардировщик "Илья Муромец". Символ предвоенной авиации СССР - высокос...
русский язык

Airbus A321

Классификация самолета Airbus A321. Устройство фюзеляжа. Сравнение с А320 и технические характеристики. Несущие свойства...
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Aston Martin, США

Астон Мартин как английская компания, специализирующаяся на выпуске дорогих спортивных машин, история и основные этапы е...
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Brothers Wright and first plane

History, basic stages and directions of development of the first aircraft, its operating principle and internal structur...
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Center of Gravity Estimation and Rollover. Prevention Using Multiple M...

The methodology multiple models and switching for real–time estimation of center of gravity (CG) position and rollover p...
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Cамолет Ан-12

Анализ и совершенствование конструкции топливной системы самолёта Ан-12. Расчет рамы на прочность. Разработка технологии...
русский язык

Design in the automotive industry

The car as an integral part of people's lives. Design as a factor of business success in the automotive industry and tra...
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Development Subway

The first rapid-transit system. History Metropolitan Railway. Network topologies, construction stages of London's Metrop...
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Diesel Fuels

Diesel fuel is any fuel used in diesel engines. Chemical composition and cetane number. Boiling point and freezing point...
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Forces Acting on an Airplane

The airplane in straight-and-level unaccelerated flight is acted on by four forces. The four forces are lift, gravity, t...
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History of aircraft construction

The inventors of the first airplane - brothers Wright. The famous Russian and soviet aircraft designers. A. Tupolev. S.V...
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Improving the process of repair of the aircraft panels made of composi...

Business strategy of NAC "Uzbekistan airways technics". Modernization and unification of the fleet, expansion of product...
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Inspection of malfunctions and damages of the aircraft

Inspected damages: visual inspection of the aircrafts which are present in the hangar: damages of a fuselage, of an engi...
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IRIS – Международный стандарт железнодорожной промышленности. Сравните...

Основные термины и определения железнодорожной промышленности, его специфика. История создания IRIS, обзор отдельных асп...
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Maintenance and repair of the car is on the LLC "Otabeksupertrans" (LL...

Organization of maintenance and repair of rolling stock. Calculation of the production program of maintenance, the numbe...
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Road signs

Warning Sign, Regulatory Sign, Guide Sign, Stop and Yield Sign, Construction Signs, Marker Signs, Recreational Signs, Se...
английский язык

Tesla Motors

Основная информация о "Tesla Motors" - американской высокотехнологичной компании, производящей спортивные электромобили....
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Tractor types

Learning the capabilities and uses of the tractor. The history of the development of the tractor; classification accordi...
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