База знаний. Статьи на букву «P». Страница 3

PHP+MYSQL: создание простого PHP сайта

Структура сайта, характеристика процесса его создания. Необходимая кодировка, установка. Присоединение таблицы стилей к ...
русский язык

Phrasal verbs

The definition of the verb. The function of Phrasal verbs. The structure and meaning of Phrasal verbs. Classification of...
английский язык

Phrasal verbs

Рractical and theoretical value of the types of Phrasal verbs, the structure and their role in the English Grammar. Defi...
английский язык

Phrasal verbs

Filling in the blanks with a correct form of the phrasal verb to put. Saying the same in a different way. Phrasal verbs ...
английский язык

Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "...

The roles of the student, the teacher and the language researcher in understanding the motivation to learn another langu...
английский язык

Phraseological unit as a newspaper title

Semantic peculiarities of phraseological units in modern English. The pragmatic investigate of phraseology in particular...
английский язык

Piccadilly Circus

Piccadilly Circus - a major transport hub and is a public place in West London. The history and main sights of the Pikad...
английский язык

Pidgin English как диалект современного английского языка

Анализ Received Pronunciation как доминирующего стандарта современного английского языка. Рассмотрение статуса, лексичес...
русский язык

Piezoelectric vibration sensors

Concept and functional features of piezoelectric sensors, the scope of its application. Designing with piezoelectric sen...
английский язык

Pinnacle Studio

Изучение конструктивных особенностей системы видеозахвата и монтажа Pinnacle Studio 500-USB V.10. Особенности подключени...
русский язык

Pipeline capacity and economics

Gas pipeline construction: calculating the pipe diameter, the pressure required for the transportation of natural gas co...
английский язык

Pipeline transport of Russia. Transneft

The intensive growth of oil production in the Volga and Urals region and in the new regions. Preparation of the pipeline...
английский язык

Piracy in Somaly

Piracy around Somalia: how the pirates operate. Provide a coastguard for Somalia. Potential environmental catastrophe. P...
английский язык

Place and role of political relations in the aggregate of public relat...

Society is a system of relations. Public relations is relationships that arise between people in the course of their act...
русский язык

Places of interest in Kyiv

Kyiv - the capital of Ukraine and one of the biggest cities in Europe. St. Sophia Cathedral. Mariyinsky Palace. Andriyiv...
английский язык

Places of Interest in Russia

Russia is the largest country in the world. Russia's a long and interesting history. Moscow is the capital of Russia and...
английский язык

Places of Interest in the USA

Death Valley is in California - the driest, the hottest and the lowest place in the USA. The national memorial Mount Rus...
английский язык

Places to visit in Ukraine

The most beautiful and interesting sights of old towns of Ukraine: Kiev (St. Sophia and St. Vladimir Cathedrals, Golden ...
украинский язык