100-летний юбилей Зульфии
Исследование жизненного пути известной и талантливой узбекской поэтессы Зульфии Исраиловой. Описания годов учебы и работ...
10 лучших произведений Великобритании
Влияние классической английской литературы на мировоззрение человека. Некоторые художественные произведения Великобритан...
1812 год в творческом сознании автора поэмы "Мёртвые души"
Пушкинско-гоголевский период русской литературы. Влияние обстановки в России на политические взгляды Гоголя. История соз...
19 век в зеркале художественных исканий
Крах Просветительских иллюзий. Джордж Байрон как один из величайших английских поэтов-романтиков. Романтизм как явление ...
A Catcher In The Rye - Summary
The Catcher in the Rye is narrated by Holden Caulfield, a sixteen year-old boy recuperating in a rest home from a nervou...
A Character Analysis of William Faulkner's "A Rose For Emily"
In William Faulkner's short story "A Rose For Emily" he had described Emily using five adjectives. These five adjectives...
American poetry of the seventeenth century as a reflection of a Purita...
From high school history textbooks we know that Puritans were a very religious group that managed to overcome the danger...
Analysis of a Real Haunted House
А real haunted house is a place that hides many secrets of good and evil, of morality and crimes. Human beings are unabl...
An Analysis of "A Portrait of the Artist as a young man" by James Joyc...
Role of the writings of James Joyce in the world literature. Description the most widespread books by James Joyce: "Dubl...
Ballad: origin and development
Tradition of the ballad in the history of Europe. Influence of the Spanish romance on development of a genre of the ball...
Blue Cross
It seems that Aristide Valentin takes the same place in the stories of G.K.Chesterton as Sherlock Holmes takes in the bo...
Children and Adults ("To Kill a Mockingbird" by H. Lee, "The Secret Di...
The events in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird". The opposition between children’s and adults. "The Secret Diary of Adri...
"Christmas stories" by Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens life. Charles Dickens’ works written in Christmas story genre. Review about his creativity. The differen...
Cтилистические функции устаревшей лексики в романе Бориса Акунина "Пел...
Понятие пассивного и активного словарного запаса языка. Устаревшая лексика в творчестве Бориса Акунина. Историзмы и арха...
Edgar Allan Poe and American Romanticism
Biography of Edgar Allan Poe - an American author, poet, considered part of the American Romantic Movement, one of the e...
"Fight Club" and today’s society
The book "Fight Club" is illustration how society has become consumers, where people are being brainwashed that they nee...
Greatest People of the World: William Shakespeare
Biographical information and the Shakespeare - English poet and playwright, the beginning of his literary activity, the ...
Henry Miller's philosophy and style in "Tropic of cancer", "Tropic of ...
Henry Miller is an American writer known as a literary innovator for his brilliant writing. His works has been a topical...