25 лет новой государственности Татарстана
История государственности Республики, начиная с принятия Декрета Всероссийского Центрального исполнительного комитета об...
90-е годы, полный захват информационного пространства
Захват информационного пространства России - захват всей власти в ней. Основные технологии манипуляции человеческим созн...
Civil society
Functions of democracy as forms of political organization. Its differences from dictatorship and stages of historical de...
Comparison of the policy of the two presidents
Barack Hussein Obama and Dmitry Medvedev: childhood years and family, work in politics before the presidential election ...
Concepts of democracy
The classical definition of democracy. Typical theoretical models of democracy. The political content of democracy. Doct...
Democracy as a form of government
The definition of democracy as an ideal model of social structure. Definition of common features of modern democracy as ...
Do women rights suffer more in violent conflict than men’s
The situation of women affected by armed conflict and political violence. The complexity of the human rights in them. In...
Electorate influence on political and social environment: referendums
Referendum - a popular vote in any country of the world, which resolved important matters of public life. Usually in a r...
General concepts of democracy
Democracy as theoretical number of important qualities, that are important for human development. The general protection...
Islam in the eyes of the West
The rivalry between Islam and Chistianity, between Al-Andalus and the Christian kingdoms, between the Christian and Otto...
Of the Polish political parties and organizations in Vilnius (1919 - 1...
Leading role Society Gard Kresevo (USC) in organizing social and political life of the Poland. The Polish People's Movem...
Political party system
Study of legal nature of the two-party system of Great Britain. Description of political activity of conservative party ...
Presidential еlections in the USA
Presidential candidates. Learning the information of the Electoral College, to understanding the process by which the Pr...
Presidents of Kazakhstan, USA and United Kingdom of Great Britain and ...
N. Nazarbayev is the head of state, Commander-in-chief and holder of the highest office within of Kazakhstan. B. Obama I...
PR на выборах в Верховную Раду Украины 2012 г. Удачи и неудачи предвыб...
Сущность политической рекламы, ее функции и цели, средства достижения эффективности. Специфика политической рекламы в СШ...
PR политических партий в современной России
Имидж политика и его составляющие. Роль паблик рилейшенз в формировании политического имиджа. Анализ PR в контексте изби...
PR технологии в борьбе политических партий
Сущность PR технологий и политической рекламы. Политические субъекты конкурентной борьбы. Правовое регулирование PR-деят...
Public relations в государственном управлении, на примере пресс-службы...
Анализ структур, проблем и тенденций развития технологий Public Relations в системе государственной службы (на примере У...