
10 фактов о Зигмунде Фрейде

Интересные и разоблачающие факты о Фрейде. Фрейд как основатель психоанализа. Толкование сновидений. Интерес к потенциал...
русский язык

1-ая и 2-ая сигнальные системы и их взаимодействие. Речь и ее функции....

Взаимодействие первой и второй сигнальных систем как явление элективной (избирательной) иррадиации нервных процессов. Пр...
русский язык

Analyses and origin of Trait theory of leadership, its strengths and w...

Definition of Leadership. Trait theory. How this theory works. Origin and Analysis and basics Pre-conditions for effecti...
английский язык

Case-study. Анализ случая

Основные направления прикладных исследований в социальной психологии. Сравнительная характеристика структурных компонент...
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Children are influenced by American TV cartoons

The study of harm to children from watching American cartoons. Problem of imitating negative or mindless characters from...
английский язык

Conflicts in society

What is conflict. As there is a conflict. Main components of the conflict. The conflict is a dispute over what. How to r...
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Different styles of teaching

This article suggests specific ways in which college teachers can foster relationships with students that promote motiva...
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Features of evaluation and self-esteem of children of primary school a...

The problem of evaluation, self-assessment of personality as a psychological category. Factors of formation evaluation a...
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Gothic Ambivalence of life and death

The theme of death in the Gothic novel reality. The Gothic image of the world and its fear of an uncertain and unpredict...
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Influence of computer games on the psyche of teenager

Research of negative influence of computer games with the elements of violence and aggression on psychical development o...
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Positive and negative values of conformism

The definition of conformism as passive acceptance and adaptation to standards of personal conduct, rules and regulation...
русский язык

PR и пропаганда: сходство и различия

Понятие, сущность и характерные черты пропаганды; история исследования манипулирования сознанием. Психология, сущность и...
русский язык

Psychology of Cognitive Activity of Students in the Learning Process

Influence psychology of cognitive activity and cognitive development on student’s learning abilities during study. Cogni...
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Research in psychology

Studies by Fischer and his colleagues and Dawson (2006) have investigated development in a wide range of domains, includ...
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Role plays

Theoretical basis of a role plays as a teaching aid. Historic background of game origin. Psychological value of a role p...
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Stress reasons

The definition of stress as the body's way of responding to any kind of stimuli. Consideration of positive and negative ...
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The concept of charisma

The term charisma has two senses: compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others and a divinely ...
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The impact of unhealthy lifestyles on a child's behavior in school

Unhealthy food, lack of sleep, passive lifestyle, related works. Survey, Passive Lifestyle, Lack Of Sleep, Nutrition. Ho...
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