73 дня до Олимпийских игр
Пьер де Кубертен как один из основателей современных Олимпийских игр, история создания флага данных международных спорти...
Amadeus - глобальная распределительная система туристических услуг
История создания. Возможности Amadeus в России. Функции и возможности дополнительных продуктов. Подключение к системе. П...
Argentina - main tourist destinations
Consideration of geographical location, topography, climatic conditions in Argentina. Introduction to the country's main...
"Bed and Breakfast" как компонент системы размещения в Хабаровском кра...
Понятие и сущность "Bed and Breakfast", роль и место коллективных средств размещения в туристической системе размещения....
Biography of Irina Slutskaya Eduardovna
I.E. Slutskaya Russian figure skater. The story of her ascent to the Olympic victory. Slutskaya winning championships in...
Cities of Canada
General information about geography and population of Canada. Ontario as one of the provinces of the country. Place of t...
City of the Golden Ring of Russia
Description of the Golden Ring of Russia as a group of tourist routes through the ancient Russian city. Historical facts...
Culture Shock and its Effects
Culture Shock is a "normal" reaction when we are confronted with unfamiliar surroundings and environment. The symptoms o...
Cоздание кластера агроусадьбы "Мир пчел"
Развитие агроэкотуризма в Европе. Оценка природных и культурно-исторических ресурсов Воложинского района Минской области...
Development of the system of sports betting
History of sports betting. The "cash out" option in sports betting. The main determinants of the betting process. To tes...
Disneyland в США
Территория развлекательного комплекса Disneyland Resort. Main street USA - главная улица Диснейленда, ее развлекательные...
Domestic tourism in Russia
The value of domestic tourism for the Russian economy: an increase in jobs in hotels, restaurants, food industry and tra...
Eco-tourism in Finland
Finland is a wonderful Nordic country and a priority of tourists which can estimate the nature. Progress of eco-tourism ...
Extreme sports
Basejumping - extreme sport, which uses a special parachute to jump from fixed objects: building, antenna, span. Hamboar...
Famous Tourist resort. Chikago
The largest city in the Midwest. The ideal time to visit the Windy City. The main tourist attractions. Best time to visi...
Highlights am Bodensee
Bodensee in den Auslaufern der Alpen an der Grenze zwischen Deutschland. Geschichte der Name, Herkunft, Landschaft und N...
Importance of international tourism services in the world market
A specific feature of services. The main form of supply of services abroad. A need for international regulation of trade...
Incentive Tour
Psychology of the incentive. Benefits of Incentive Travel. Group and Individual Incentives. Cruise Incentives. Travel in...