Спорт и туризм. Страница 2

I зимние Олимпийские Игры

Определение зимних олимпийских игр как всемирных комплексных соревнований по зимним видам спорта под эгидой МОК. Спортив...
русский язык

Life in training

Problem: Nobody deals with workouts that have the form. Benefits of our gyms. The advantages described gym, range of ser...
английский язык

London’s sights

Buckingham Palace is the most famous place in London. Big Ben is the biggest Bell in the clock tower in Britain. Hamleys...
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My favorite sport

The world’s most famous tennis tournament is Wimbledon. It started at a small club in south London in the nineteenth cen...
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Olympic summer kinds of sports

The Olympic Games have a very long history. It is old tradition in the world of sports. The Olympic Games take place eve...
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Paintballing is one of the most popular outdoor participation sports around. Dress of paintball, the paintball guns used...
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Peкpeaцiйнi pecуpcи Укpaїни тa їх paцioнaльне викopиcтaння

Coцiaльнo-eкoнoмiчнa cутнicть тa пpoвiднi функцiї pекpеaцiї. Клacифiкaцiя peкpeaцiйнoї дiяльнocтi. Пpoблеми paцioнaльнoг...
украинский язык

PR-технологии в гостиничном бизнесе

Рассмотрение понятия "public relations" и его функций (контроль поведения общественности, достижение взаимовыгодных отно...
русский язык

Public Relations в туризме

PR-акции департаментов по туризму. Разделение стран мира на группы, с точки зрения туризма. Направления основных методов...
русский язык

Rotel Tours — гостиница на колесах

История возникновения системы Rotel – путешествия в передвижных автобусах-гостиницах. Обустройство и типы номеров. Форми...
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Round London Sightseeng Tour

Sightseeing tour of London. Attractions: Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Chapel of Henry VII, th...
английский язык

Sight of Germany

Sights of cities of Germany. The fall of the Berlin Wall. The Reichstag building. New Synagogue - one of the greatest sy...
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Sights London

The Tower of London as one of the most imposing of London's historical sites. Westminster Abbey as one of the most attra...
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Sport and recreation in the United States

Historical background, names of national sports, borrowed games. Problems and prospects of American sport. Professional ...
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Sport is an Essential Part of Life

Sport in my life. Sports in Russia. Sports in Great Britain. The Olympic Games. Sports and Healthy Way of Life. Sport is...
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Street workout — вуличне тренування

Вуличне тренування — масовий рух, заснований на заняттях фізичною культурою із застосуванням тренувального обладнання в ...
украинский язык

The best place in world! London

London is the British capital and one of the biggest cities in the world. Sightseeing of the city - Tower Bridge, Big Be...
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The history of Olympism

Become familiar with the holding of the first Olympic Games in ancient Greece in 776 BC Description of the data symbol g...
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