База знаний. Статьи на букву «T». Страница 2

Teenager’s problems

Problems in school and with parents. Friendship and love. Education as a great figure in our society. The structure of e...
английский язык

Teenagers problems

Everybody was a teenager, that’s why everybody can say that it’s very difficult to be a teenager. Everyone has different...
английский язык

Teenagers problems

Basic problems of teenagers in a world. Question of spending their free time, relations with parents and unhappy love. U...
английский язык

Teenagers. What are they like?

Teenagers have a particular relationship with the world. They always try to express their individuality. Popular way of ...
английский язык

Territorial varieties of English pronunciation

The historical background of the spread of English and different varieties of the language. Differences between British ...
английский язык

Territorial varieties of English pronunciation

Varieties of English in different regions of Britain and various countries of the world. Sociolinguistics as the branch ...
английский язык

Terrorism in Europe

Terrorism in Spain, Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA): it's history, structure and tactics. The Problems of Ireland, paramilit...
английский язык

Terrorism in Europe

Strengthening of international fight against terrorism. Terrorism in Spain, in Northern Ireland, in Greece. The number o...
английский язык

Tesla Motors

Основная информация о "Tesla Motors" - американской высокотехнологичной компании, производящей спортивные электромобили....
русский язык


Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone that is present in both men and women. How to get a test for testosterone c...
английский язык


Совместный казахстанско-американский банк. Финансовые показатели деятельности банка. Займы, предоставленные клиентам. Ди...
русский язык

Text analysis in translation

Systematic framework for external analysis. Audience, medium and place of communication. The relevance of the dimension ...
английский язык

Text analysis of the short story Piano by William Saroyan

William Saroyan (1908–81) was a successful playwright. As in most of his stories, William Saroyan presents, in Piano, a ...
русский язык

Teховские пакеты и основные понятия

TeX как система компьютерной верстки, разработанная Д. Кнутом в целях создания компьютерной типографии: знакомство с отл...
русский язык

TFT-LCD дисплей

Принципы формирования изображения на всех существующих типах дисплеев. Жидкокристаллический монитор и его особенности. П...
русский язык

The activities of Greenpeace

Greenpeace is like a non-political organization which dials with most urgent ecological problems and protests against we...
английский язык

The activity of Islamic banking system

History of introduction of a modern banking system to the Muslim countries, features of their development and functionin...
английский язык

The Alcohol abuse

The definition of alcohol abuse, its symptoms, signs and association with violence. The characteristic of binge drinking...
английский язык