Pablo Picasso
Биография Пабло Пикассо. Некоторые факты его личной жизни. История его творческого пути. Политические убеждения художник...
Paintballing is one of the most popular outdoor participation sports around. Dress of paintball, the paintball guns used...
Painter Leonardo da Vinci
Biography Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci: painter, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, ca...
Paleontology is the study of ancient life forms — plant, animal, bacterial, and others - by means of the fossil record t...
Parable thinking in W. Faulner's novel "A fable"
Development of a writer. W. Faulkner’s aesthetic views. Parable as a genre. Form and content of parables. General charac...
Parteien in Deutschland
Parteien Deutschlands. Die programme von Partien. SPD. CDU. CSU. Die Grunen. FDP. PDS. Die Situation nach den Wahlen 200...
Participation in assets as a solution to the debt crises
The causes and effects of the recent global financial crisis. Liquidity trap in Japan. Debt deflation theory. The financ...
Patriarchy theory
А fundаmеntаl divisiоn bеtwееn mеn аnd wоmеn frоm which mеn gаin pоwеr. Undеrstаnding of wоrking clаss mеn hаvе nоthing ...
Paзpaбoткa cиcтeмы кoмплeкcнoй зaщиты инфopмaции кoммepчecкoгo бaнкa
Пpaвoвыe ocнoвы и методы oбecпeчeния зaщиты кoнфидeнциaльнoй инфopмaции. Пpичины и иcтoчники oбpaзoвaния тeхничecких кaн...
P-CAD для начинающих
Система Р-CAD 2000 для сквозного проектирования электронных устройств. Принципиальная схема устройства в графическом ред...
Peculiarities of British and American variants in the English Language
A short history of the origins and development of english as a global language. Peculiarities of american and british en...
Peculiarities of economic growth in developed countries at the end of ...
Defining the role of developed countries in the world economy and their impact in the political, economic, technical, sc...
Peculiarities of prose style
The active voice. Express parallel ideas in parallel grammatical form. The emphatic words at the end of the sentence. Ex...
Peculiarities of regional varieties of the English language in newspap...
English language: history and dialects. Specified language phenomena and their un\importance. Differences between the "v...
Peculiarities of the Passive Voice in English
General outline of Active and Passive Voice in English. Semantic and lexical differences. The General Characteristic of ...
Peculiarities of translation of toponyms
Exploring the concept and the subject matter of toponymy. Translation of place names from English to Ukrainian. The role...
Peer-to-peer технологии
Napster и Gnutella - первые пиринговые сети. P2P технологии, принцип "клиент-клиент" - одноранговая децентрализованная с...
Pentium IV
Средства поддержки сегментации памяти. Сегментно-страничный механизм. Средства вызова подпрограмм и задач. Новая архитек...