База знаний. Статьи на букву «R»

Racism and labor movement

The racism endemic in the australian labour movement at the start of its development. The vortex of accusations against ...
английский язык

Racism and prejudice and their role in cross-cultural communication

Racism as an instrument of discrimination, as a cultural phenomenon, susceptible to cultural solutions: multicultural ed...
английский язык

Radio Frequency Identification Technology

The overall architecture of radio frequency identification systems. The working principle of RFID: the reader sends out ...
английский язык

RAM-диск на SDRAM памяти под управлением микроконтроллера

Разработка компьютерного устройства RAM-диск, позволяющего считывать, записывать и хранить информацию в модулях динамиче...
русский язык

RAM. Запоминающее устройство с произвольным доступом

Понятие оперативной памяти в вычислительных устройствах. Ее технические особенности и выполняемые функции. Характеристик...
русский язык

Rational Rose для моделирования информационных систем

Введение в Rose. Создание управляемого элемента. Варианты использования и действующие лица. Выполнение лабораторной рабо...
русский язык

Raymond Fernand Loewy

Raymond Fernand Loewy - one of the best known industrial designers of the 20th century. His many iconic contributions to...
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RC-усилитель низкой частоты

Исследование предназначения каскада предварительного усиления. Определение коэффициентов усиления многокаскадного усилит...
русский язык

Reading comprehension

The existent problems in teaching reading comprehension and finding the ways out of this problem by suggesting the exerc...
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Realism, Mark Twain, and the making of The Adventures of Huckleberry F...

Core Beliefs of Realism. Early Years of Mark Twain. Life on the Mississippi. Gold Rush Years 1862-1864. Twain’s Late Lif...
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Recruitment and selection

Theoretical basis recruitment and selection methods: internal or external recruitment, job resume, job interview. Recrui...
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Reculiarites of Teaching English

Countable and uncountable nouns. The articles a/an and the belong to a group of words called “determiners”. The problem ...
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Reforming government in Australia

Positive proposals needed, objections to centralisation, embrace New Zealand. Renaming the states, democratic considerat...
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Regional conflicts in the Arab world (Arab spring)

The Arab Spring - a wave of demonstrations and coups that began in the Arab world December, 2010. Revolutions in Tunisia...
английский язык

Regularities of proper name from English into Russian

Analyze the term "proper name". The problem of defining a proper name of television and his role in our life. The approa...
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Regulation of international trade within the framework of the world tr...

Regulation of International Trade under WTO rules: objectives, functions, principles, structure, decision-making procedu...
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Reign of Henry VIII

Activities of the King of England and Ireland, Henry VIII, scholar, linguist, musician, first with monarchs brought up u...
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Relationship between strategic management and leadership

The impact of management and leadership styles on strategic decisions. Creating a leadership strategy that supports orga...
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