База знаний. Статьи на букву «A»

A balance sheet

Тhe balance sheet company's financial condition is divided into 2 kinds: personal and corporate. Each of these species h...
английский язык

Abbreviation as one of the two types of shortening in modern english

The general notions of abbreviation in english. The history of abbreviations as long as phonetic script existed. The fas...
английский язык

ABC-XYZ анализы в управлении материальными запасами

Проведение расчетов по АВС-XYZ анализу. Определение степени прогноза надежности потребления при высокой потребительской ...
русский язык

ABC-анализ в логистике

ABC-анализ — метод, позволяющий классифицировать ресурсы фирмы по степени их важности. Этапы проведения ABC-анализа: фор...
русский язык

Abelard on Universals

The Abelards solution of the problem of universals is neither a realistic no a nominalistic one, or, in other words, it ...
английский язык

Ab initio розрахунки динаміки гратки сегнетоелектриків Sn2P2S6

Структура і фізичні властивості кристалів Sn2P2S6: кристалічна структура, симетрійний аналіз, густина фононних станів і ...
украинский язык

About Canada

Canada is the world's second largest country by total area. Population, language, capital of Canada. Structure of parlia...
английский язык

About development of legal fundamentals of the constitutional justice ...

The first steps promoting creation of the judicial organs of the constitutional control in the subjects of the Russian F...
английский язык

About England

Entry about England - is the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and No...
английский язык

About Ireland

Description of Ireland's geographical location, the capital and the symbolism of the state's population. Introduction to...
английский язык

About Liverpool

European Capital of Culture - what does it mean? Liverpool culture. Architecture in Liverpool. The Arts in Liverpool. Wi...
английский язык

About myself

Story drawing up about itself in English. Variants of questions and answers under the story maintenance. A surname, a na...
английский язык

About problems of interaction of bodies of constitutional justice and ...

In world practice constitutional control is actually a develop institute with nearly bicentennial history. In this or th...
русский язык

About Sport

Sports - passion, helpful and pleasant vacation, the value of sport for health, the establishment of good relations betw...
английский язык

About the elasticity of constitutional principles and constitutional p...

The role of constitutional principles in the mechanism of constitutional and legal regulation. Features of transformatio...
английский язык

About Ukrainian

General information about Ukraine. Ukraine became independent again after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. T...
английский язык

Abraham Maslow

Biography by Abraham Harold Maslow. Five broader layers of the hierarchy of needs. Low self-esteem and inferiority compl...
английский язык


Placing the problem of human rights on foreground of modern realization. The political rights in of the Islamic Republic...
английский язык