База знаний. Статьи на букву «A». Страница 5

Alcohol influence on economics-related decision-making

The experiments related to alcohol and economic decision-making. First study attempting to test 3 sets of embedded hypot...
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Alexander Bell

Alexander Graham Bell was the inventor of the telephone (1876). He was born in Scotland. His family life. An idea of inv...
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Alexander Murashko

Alexander Murashko - one of the most prominent Ukrainian artists of the late XIX - early XX century. He was the first re...
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Algorithmic recognition of the Verb

Basic assumptions and some facts. Algorithm for automatic recognition of verbal and nominal word groups. Lists of marker...
английский язык

All about work

Select the right person for the right job in the first рlасе. Your rights and duties as an employer. Discrimination: wha...
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Allusion as discourse symbol

Classification of allusion according its position in the text, main stylistic functions. Allusion as a category of verti...
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Alternative construction methods

It is a try to examine some alternative methods in construction. Adobe construction is one of the oldest forms of buildi...
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History of application of aluminium. The characteristic, chemical and physical properties of aluminium, industrial produ...
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Aluminium as chemical element, history of his opening, basic properties, purviews in a production and in housekeeping. F...
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Al Сapone

Al Сapone аs america's best-known gangster and the single greatest symbol of the collapse of law and order in the United...
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Amadeus - глобальная распределительная система туристических услуг

История создания. Возможности Amadeus в России. Функции и возможности дополнительных продуктов. Подключение к системе. П...
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A Man and the Nature

The Nature is our sister. Result of games with nature is suffering of the Nature. The earthquake in Crimea in 1927. The ...
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American art

The development of painting in the USA. The Colonial Period. The First American Revolution and the young republic. The E...
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American Holiday

Popular holidays celebrated in America. Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival. Christmas is Christian holiday. Easter i...
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American Holidays and Celebrations

Holiday celebrations in America signify the rich blending of historic traditions from other cultures with the uniquely c...
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American poetry of the seventeenth century as a reflection of a Purita...

From high school history textbooks we know that Puritans were a very religious group that managed to overcome the danger...
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American Revolution and War for Independence

Frontier situation. British and French conflict. First stirrings of unity. Colonial resistance. Tax dispute. Abatement o...
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American Riddles

American Culture is a massive, variegated topic. The land, people and language. Regional linguistic and cultural diversi...
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