База знаний. Статьи на букву «E». Страница 2

Economic methods of protection environment

Environmental standard. Economic regulation of protection environment. The prices for the energy, existing ecological st...
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Economic Policy of the United Kingdom in the crisis of 2008-2010

The global financial and economic crisis. Monetary and financial policy, undertaken UK during a crisis. Combination of a...
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Economic Reform of Ukraine

Рrogress in adapting its economy from the Soviet model to a 21st century economy in the globalized market. Pension refor...
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Economic sanctions

General(common) concept of the международно-legal responsibility. Basis of the международно-legal responsibility. Classi...
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Economics as human art

Economics it is probably the first art which man acquired. When some cavemen went out to hunt while others remained to d...
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Economics. Demand, supply, and elasticity

Economics: macroeconomics, microeconomics, economic policy. Terms: "economics", "macroeconomics", "microeconomics", "eco...
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Economic security of enterprise

The definition of term "economic security of enterprise" and characteristic of it functional components: technical and t...
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Economic system. Changes in economic situation of Russia

Economic system. List by hands-on and hands-off. Types of economic systems. Market economy. Mixed economy. Planned econo...
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Economy in South Korea

Geography, economy, people population of South Korea. Natural resources, agriculture, industry, trade. The automobile in...
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Economy of Kazakhstan

A variety of economy of Kazakhstan, introduction of the international technical, financial, business standards, the intr...
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Economy of Qing Empire

Description of the economic situation in the Qing empire. State control over the economy. Impact on its development Opiu...
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Economy of Russia and Economic crisis

Disintegration of the USSR. Restoration of Russia. Influence of the open market. The Asian financial crisis. Increase of...
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Economy of the United States

Basic ingredients of the United States economy. Stabilization and growth of economy. General categories of economic regu...
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Economy of the United States of America

Socio-economic and geographical description of the United states of America. Analysis of volumes of export and import of...
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Eco-tourism in Finland

Finland is a wonderful Nordic country and a priority of tourists which can estimate the nature. Progress of eco-tourism ...
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Edcation system in the USA

School attendance and types of schools. Pre-school and elementary education. Nursery schools and kindergartens which are...
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Edgar Allan Poe and American Romanticism

Biography of Edgar Allan Poe - an American author, poet, considered part of the American Romantic Movement, one of the e...
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Education is important in our life. For educated people it is easier to stand up all difficulties and they have a purpos...
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